Statement of Commitment
We support the objectives of the Modern Slavery Act and will not tolerate modern slavery or human trafficking within our own supply chain.
This policy applies to all directors, employees and suppliers of Vp.
Objectives of the policy
- To ensure Vp employees and its supply chain comply with the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act.
- To promote confidence in the Group’s approach to the Modern Slavery Act.
These objectives will be achieved by;
- We have procedures in place to ensure compliance with legal requirements in relation to the recruitment of all employees, including national minimum wage, immigration requirements and other national legislative requirements.
- All Vp employees have the necessary documentation to legally work in the countries in which they work and no one under the legal minimum age for admission to work is employed.
- All Vp employees have access to the Employee Handbook which includes sections on the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and on our Whistleblowing Policy and helpline number.
- Where possible we build longstanding relationships with our suppliers and make clear our expectations of behaviour and we have systems in place to encourage the reporting of concerns.
- We take a risk based approach regarding the compliance of our supply chain. We assess compliance by our suppliers and contact those from whom we need more clarity. In the small number of instances where we assess the risk to be relatively high we carry out further checks to ensure compliance with stated policies and procedures.