TPA recently hosted a visit to the company’s head office in Worksop by Jo White, Deputy Leader of Bassetlaw Council and Labour’s parliamentary candidate for the constituency.
Jo, in her role as cabinet member on the council, has worked to support the newly opened Skills Hub in Worksop, encouraging companies to relocate to the district, and is keen to meet and talk to businesses to hear more about what they feel is required by Government at both a local and national level, to encourage growth and investment.
During the visit, TPA showcased the diverse range of projects their access equipment and solutions are specified for, from rail infrastructure including HS2 to events such as the Royal International Air Tattoo. The company also detailed its continued investment in new products and demonstrated their commitment to making the business the first choice for their customers.
Jo White said: “TPA have a critical role to play in key infrastructure construction and development alongside ensuring top class events and shows operate smoothly and safely. I learnt a lot during my visit, and I am now taking the opportunity to act as an advocate for the services that they provide when meeting with businesses reliant on remote access to sites.”
TPA Managing Director David Walkden said: “We had a most enjoyable morning showing Jo around our HQ, talking about the projects we get involved with, plus an interesting discussion on the politics of infrastructure investment, and the importance of companies being able to base their investment decisions on Government commitments including major infrastructure projects.”