TPA helps Rail Live with a minefield of gas mains

18 Jul

Specialist temporary access systems supplier TPA will have a particular challenge for its provision of trackways at this year’s Rail Live exhibition (June 19-20).

The show, at Long Marston Rail Innovation Centre in Warwickshire, is expanding onto a second farmer’s field for 2024, but the ground conceals a minefield of gas mains which will require a double layer of TPA’S heavy duty aluminium roadway panels.

“It will be a challenge ensuring we have a clear plan of how we are laying them pre-
event" said Katie Gordon-Hill, head of B2B exhibitions for the organisers, Bauer Media Group.

This is the fourth year TPA has supplied Rail Live with temporary access solutions. The first two years were annual contracts but for 2023 and 2024 a two-year deal was agreed.

“TPA were more competitive on price per panel. They are also one of the largest exhibitors at the event and have been returning year-on-year, so it was great to be able to use them as one of our service providers,” said Katie.

TPA supplies Rail Live with its metal roadways, the quantity of which generally remains the same year-on-year as the organisers move the allocation of panels around depending on the operational changes of the show, such as car park sizes or zone requirements.