Temporary roadways by TPA help with a bridge demolition for Amco Giffen.
Portable roadways by specialist temporary access solutions supplier TPA have helped Amco Giffen complete the first of two phases of a bridge demolition project for Network Rail.
TPA’s 3m-wide heavy duty aluminium panels were used to protect the grazing fields to the north of the Midland Main Line near Market Harborough, while the first of two bridges were demolished to make way for overhead electrification.
The three-span brick bridges, measuring 8m wide and 25m long, were built to carry livestock over the line but had become disused, so the project was just for their demolition, not replacement.
The demolition was carried out on the north and south sides of the track by 25 and 35-tonne excavators at abutment level, with the lighter excavator vacating the south abutment prior to final trim. These were assisted by seven and 15-tonne rubber-tracked excavators at track level. Waste materials were loaded onto two dumper trucks for removal and re-use.
TPA’s panels on this phase were doubled up to allow access for low loader deliveries but on the second phase, due to start 300m away on September 23rd, Amco Giffen will only need to use 4m-wide panels as the plant will already be on site.
Phase One/Bridge 24 took two months to complete, and Phase Two/Bridge 25 on Route Section 1 is expected to take about the same, although start on site has been delayed due to a badger sett being discovered.
The “Warners” bridges are thought to have been built after the Midland Main Line was completed in 1870.
Amco Giffen sub agent James Callaghan said the TPA panels were specified over aggregate for two reasons.
“They helped the programme by reducing the amount of time we needed temporary access as they are so quick and easy to install and the land does not need reinstating afterwards. Using TPA panels also saved 52.54 tonnes of CO2 emissions compared to what would have been generated by the 100 wagons of aggregate compared to three wagons of aluminium panels.
“For Phase Two we had to demonstrate that the 4m-wide panels would assist our temporary works programme, and we did that easily.”
He added: “TPA carried out the site survey and plotted the panels in for us and that just makes our job easier.”