TPA Portable Roadways' Carbon Calculator is a tool which takes a number of factors into account to evaluate the relative carbon impact of creating a temporary access using aluminium trackway panels as opposed to aggregate/stone.
Find out how much carbon you could be saving by using our aluminium trackway panels with our new Carbon Calculator. The carbon calculator is part of our commitment to take responsibility for our carbon output. In just a few clicks, you can get a calculation of the carbon emissions you could save, so you can make an informed decision and reduce your carbon footprint.
If you don’t know the square metreage required for your project, contact our team today to find out how we can help.
Try it now and see the difference you can make by choosing a TPA Portable Roadway.
Trees Saved equates to the number of mature trees it would take to absorb this level of Co2 in a year
Basis for a calculation
- A single trackway panel (270kg) covers 7.35sqm of ground
- 4,285kg of aggregate required to cover 7.35sqm
- Aggregate is laid at a depth of 250mm
- 80 trackway panels (588 sqm) transported on one vehicle
- 22.14 tonnes of aggregate (38 sqm) transported on one vehicle
- For each load going to or from site there will be a second movement of the un-laden vehicle
- The conversion factors used in the analysis are modelled using the government’s Greenhouse gas reporting: conversion factors 2022
- Average distance from a Portable Roadway depot to site is 102 miles
- Average distance from a stone quarry to site is 35 miles
Factors included / excluded from the comparison
Included / Excluded
Production and disposal of materials
Aggregate used once and then disposed at landfill, trackway re-used 60 times before being recycled at end of life
In depot operations
Assumed to be the same for both options. However there are on average 15 times as many lorries to be loaded and unloaded for aggregate over trackway
Transport to site
Return mileage from depot to site multiplied by number of loads with the UK government conversion factor applied. The average distance from a TPA depot to a customer site is 102 miles and the average distance from a stone quarry to site is 35 miles
On site operations
Assumed to be the same for both options. However the trackway is installed using the delivery vehicle whereas a stone access requires additional plant and machinery
Transport from site
Return mileage from site to depot / landfill multiplied by number of loads with UK government conversion factor applied
We can provide a site specific calculation if you complete the form above (just enter the square metres and press calculate now)
Our journey so far
As a global company, we know the importance of sustainability. That's why we aim to be NET ZERO by 2050 at the latest and and have signed up to Science Based Targets initiative.
The Vp Group has achieved a 55% reduction in carbon intensity since 2010. In 2022, the use of TPAs Portable Roadways enabled customers to prevent over 10 million kg of carbon emissions, but there's always more we can do.
That's why we are introducing our new carbon calculator to show the environmental benefit of using trackway as opposed to stone roads. On average, a portable roadway will have an 80% carbon saving, in comparison to an equivalent stone access road.
If you would like to find out more about our journey to NET ZERO visit our Environmental & Sustainability website here
Carbon Savings in 2022